Ideas for Materials:

Paint (non-toxic and washable)

Chalk with water (chalk paint)

Markers, pens, and/or crayons


Cardboard or boxes

Old sheets or fabric scraps


Egg cartons

Paint brushes, rollers, stamps


Toilet paper rolls

Construction paper

Tissue paper

Other various art supplies

Set up:

Create a designated play space where the child has the freedom to make a mess. Consider taking this outside! Lay out the materials in an appealing way, inviting wonder and curiosity. Arrange the items in a manner that encourages independence, free exploration, and creativity. Consider organizing them on a low table or directly on the floor, making them easily accessible.

Clean up tip: Place a shower curtain or plastic table cloth under the play area. Hose it down after play!

Adult Role:

The adult's role in child-led play is to observe and learn more about the child, their development, and what interests them. Once the materials are set out, the adult can take a step back and focus on actively observing the child’s play, paying attention to their choices, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Resist the urge to direct or instruct.


Offer suggestions or comments only when asked, allowing the child to take the lead and make their own decisions. This approach promotes autonomy and confidence in the child, fostering a sense of ownership over their play experience.

Child-led play is a joyful and spontaneous journey where children take the lead in their play experiences. It's a time for them to explore, create, and make choices independently.