• At a pop-up adventure playground hosted by Rooted in Play, parents can expect a unique and engaging play experience for their children. A popup adventure playground is a dynamic and interactive play space that pops up temporarily in various locations, such as parks or community centers. It is designed to provide children with an opportunity for self-directed, open-ended play using loose parts (cardboard boxes, fabric, tires, and natural materials). Here's what you can anticipate when attending one of our popup adventure playground events:

    Unstructured Play Environment

    Our popup adventure playgrounds are designed to encourage unstructured, open-ended play. Children have the freedom to explore, create, and imagine without predetermined rules or limitations. Expect to see your child engage in imaginative play, construct their own play scenarios, and follow their natural curiosity.

    Abundance of Loose Parts

    Our popup adventure playgrounds are stocked with a variety of loose parts and materials, such as cardboard boxes, fabric, tires, and natural elements. These loose parts serve as building blocks for children's creativity and innovation. Parents can expect to see their children utilize these materials to construct forts, create art, build structures, and more.

    Mixed Age Interactions

    Popup adventure playgrounds often attract children of various ages, providing opportunities for mixed-age interactions. Parents can expect their children to engage with peers of different ages, fostering social growth, mentorship, and collaboration. Younger children learn from older peers, while older children develop leadership skills and empathy.

    Supervision and Safety

    Our team of dedicated staff and volunteers ensures a safe and inclusive play environment. While parents are encouraged to actively observe their children in play, there will be trained professionals present to supervise the play area, offer guidance and assist when needed. We prioritize safety while still allowing children to engage in age-appropriate risks and challenges.

    Community Connection

    Popup adventure playgrounds are not just about play; they are also opportunities for families to connect with their community. Parents can expect to meet other like-minded families, share experiences, and build relationships while their children engage in joyful play. It's a chance to create lasting memories and forge new friendships.

    Information and Resources

    At our pop-up adventure playground events, parents can find information and resources related to the benefits of play, child development, and fostering open-ended play experiences at home. We strive to provide parents with valuable insights and tools to support their child's play journey beyond the event.

    Rooted in Play's popup adventure playgrounds offer a delightful and enriching play experience for children. Parents can expect their children to engage in imaginative play, connect with peers of different ages, and develop essential skills in an enriching environment. Join us at our next popup adventure playground and witness the magic of play firsthand!

  • Attributes of child-directed play are that the play is freely chosen, intrinsically motivating, goalless, and personally directed.

  • Self-directed play, also known as child-initiated or free play, offers numerous benefits for children's development and well-being. Here are some key advantages of self-directed play:

    Creativity and Imagination

    Self-directed play provides children with the freedom to use their imagination and be creative. Without adult direction or predetermined rules, children can explore endless possibilities, invent scenarios, and express their unique ideas. This type of play nurtures problem-solving skills, innovative thinking, and imaginative abilities.

    Social and Emotional Development

    Self-directed play allows children to navigate social interactions and develop vital social skills. When children engage in unstructured play, they learn how to negotiate, cooperate, take turns, and resolve conflicts independently. This type of play also helps children develop emotional regulation skills, empathy, and a sense of self-confidence.

    Cognitive Skills and Problem-Solving

    Self-directed play stimulates cognitive development as children encounter challenges and solve problems on their own. They learn to think critically, make decisions, and experiment with different strategies. Through open-ended play, children develop essential cognitive skills such as planning, organizing, and logical reasoning.

    Physical Development

    Self-directed play promotes physical development and enhances gross and fine motor skills. Children engage in various movements, such as running, jumping, climbing, and balancing, which contributes to the development of strength, coordination, and spatial awareness. Manipulating loose parts and engaging in hands-on activities also refine fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

    Independence and Self-Confidence

    Self-directed play fosters independence and self-confidence in children. When they have the freedom to make choices, set their own goals, and explore their capabilities, they develop a sense of autonomy and competence. This boosts their self-esteem, resilience, and belief in their own abilities to navigate challenges.

    Stress Reduction and Well-Being

    Self-directed play provides a natural outlet for stress reduction and relaxation. It allows children to engage in activities they find enjoyable, escape from daily pressures, and experience a sense of joy and fulfillment. Play promotes positive mental health, reduces anxiety, and contributes to overall well-being.

    Lifelong Learning

    Self-directed play cultivates a love for learning and lays the foundation for lifelong learning skills. Through play, children naturally engage in inquiry, exploration, and discovery. They develop a curiosity-driven mindset, a thirst for knowledge, and a passion for exploration that can extend beyond childhood.

    At Rooted in Play, we recognize the immense value of self-directed play in nurturing children's holistic development. Our popup adventure playgrounds provide the ideal environment for children to engage in self-directed play, empowering them to explore, create, and grow. We believe that by supporting self-directed play, we foster resilient, confident, and imaginative individuals who are equipped to navigate the world with joy and enthusiasm.

  • Popups are appropriate for all ages! Mixed age groups in play environments, such as our popup adventure playgrounds, offer numerous benefits for children's development and social interactions. Here are some key advantages:

    Social Growth

    Mixed age groups encourage social interaction and cooperation among children of different ages. Younger children learn from and are inspired by older peers, while older children practice leadership and empathy as they guide and support younger ones. This dynamic fosters positive social skills, teamwork, and a sense of community.

    Peer Learning

    In mixed-age settings, children have the opportunity to learn from one another. Older children often take on the role of mentors, sharing their knowledge and skills with younger children. This peer learning promotes intellectual growth, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills as children exchange ideas and collaborate.

    Expanded Horizons

    Interacting with peers of different ages exposes children to diverse perspectives, experiences, and abilities. It broadens their understanding of the world and promotes inclusivity, empathy, and respect for differences. Younger children benefit from observing and engaging with older children's advanced play and reasoning, while older children learn patience, adaptability, and nurturing skills.

    Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

    Mixed age groups provide younger children with opportunities to tackle challenges beyond their current abilities. This exposure to more complex play scenarios, guided by older children, nurtures their self-confidence and helps them develop a positive self-image. Older children, in turn, gain a sense of responsibility and pride in supporting and inspiring their younger peers.

    Language and Communication Skills

    Interacting with children of different ages enhances language development and communication skills. Younger children learn from older peers' expanded vocabulary and communication styles, while older children practice effective communication to convey ideas and instructions clearly to younger ones.

    By embracing mixed age groups in our play environments, Rooted in Play creates inclusive and enriching experiences for children. These interactions promote social-emotional growth, empathy, cognitive development, and lifelong skills essential for navigating a diverse and interconnected world.

  • Popups are designed to challenge children to take healthy risks. Risky play, within appropriate boundaries, offers children a wealth of developmental benefits. Here are some of the advantages associated with embracing and encouraging risky play:

    Physical Development

    Risky play provides opportunities for children to engage in challenging physical activities that push their limits. Climbing, jumping, balancing, and swinging on higher structures, for example, help develop strength, coordination, balance, and gross motor skills. These experiences contribute to overall physical fitness and build confidence in navigating the physical world.

    Risk Assessment and Decision Making

    By engaging in risky play, children learn to assess risks, make decisions, and manage uncertainties. They develop their judgment and learn to evaluate their own capabilities, fostering a sense of self-awareness and personal responsibility. This skill set becomes invaluable as they face challenges and make decisions throughout their lives.

    Emotional Resilience

    Risky play offers opportunities for children to encounter and overcome fears, which promotes emotional resilience. They learn to manage and regulate their emotions, build self-confidence, and develop coping strategies. Overcoming obstacles and conquering fears in a controlled environment empowers children to face future challenges with increased resilience.

    Problem Solving and Creativity

    Risky play stimulates problem-solving skills and encourages creativity. When faced with uncertain or challenging situations, children learn to think critically, devise strategies, and adapt their play. They engage in imaginative and open-ended play, which enhances cognitive flexibility, innovation, and imaginative thinking.

    Social Skills and Collaboration

    Risky play often involves cooperation and negotiation with peers. Children engage in shared decision-making, communicate their intentions, and collaborate to create play scenarios. This fosters social skills, teamwork, and the ability to navigate social dynamics, enhancing their ability to work with others effectively.

    Self-Regulation and Self-Control

    Engaging in risky play allows children to explore their own boundaries and develop self-regulation skills. They learn to manage their impulses, control their actions, and make thoughtful choices in the face of risk. This self-control carries over into other aspects of their lives, promoting responsible decision-making and improved self-discipline.

    By embracing and supporting risky play, Rooted in Play promotes holistic child development, resilience, and the acquisition of essential life skills. We create play environments where children can explore, take calculated risks, and experience the incredible benefits of pushing their boundaries.

  • A playworker is a trained professional who plays a crucial role in creating and facilitating the play experience at a pop-up adventure playground. Their primary focus is to support children's play by providing a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment. Here's more about the role of a playworker at a pop-up adventure playground:

    Empowering Child-Led Play

    Playworkers believe in the importance of child-led play. They create an environment that allows children to take the lead, make decisions, and explore their interests freely. Playworkers recognize the value of open-ended play experiences, where children have the autonomy to create and shape their play scenarios.

    Safety and Risk Management

    Ensuring the safety of all participants is a vital responsibility of playworkers. They create a safe play environment by assessing potential risks, setting appropriate boundaries, and managing any potential hazards. Playworkers strike a balance between allowing children to engage in age-appropriate risks and challenges while maintaining a secure play environment.

    Supporting Inclusion and Collaboration

    Playworkers promote inclusive play experiences, ensuring that children of all abilities and backgrounds feel welcome and supported. They create an environment that encourages cooperation, collaboration, and positive social interactions among children. Playworkers facilitate opportunities for mixed-age play, peer learning, and cooperation, fostering a sense of community and empathy among participants.

    Observation and Assessment

    Playworkers observe children's play to gain insights into their needs, interests, and developmental progress. By observing and assessing children's play patterns and interactions, playworkers can adapt and tailor the play environment to better support children's individual and collective play experiences.

    Resource and Activity Support

    Playworkers provide a variety of loose parts, materials, and resources to inspire children's play and creativity. Playworkers also share information and resources with parents and caregivers on the benefits of play, open-ended play at home, and child development.

    At Rooted in Play's popup adventure playgrounds, playworkers play a vital role in facilitating a rich and engaging play experience for children. Their expertise in play facilitation, safety management, inclusion, and child development creates an environment where children can thrive, explore, and create unforgettable play memories.

  • Yes, and no. While a pop-up playground and an adventure playground share many key features, they are different in that a pop-up playground is designed to provide a gentle introduction to families and communities about the nature of play, autonomy, and risk.

  • At Rooted in Play, we strive to create joyful play experiences for children, rain or shine. In the event of rain during a popup adventure playground, here's what you can expect:

    Adaptation to the Environment

    Our team closely monitors weather conditions leading up to the event. If rain is expected, we make necessary adaptations to ensure a safe and enjoyable play experience. We may provide covered areas or utilize waterproof materials to protect play spaces and loose parts, allowing children to continue their play activities.

    Indoor or Covered Alternatives

    In the case of heavy rain or severe weather conditions, we may have alternative indoor or covered spaces available. This allows children to engage in play while staying dry and protected. Our team will communicate any changes in location or logistics through our website, social media channels, and email updates to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.

    Safety Considerations

    Safety is our top priority, and we carefully assess conditions during inclement weather. If there are concerns about lightning, high winds, or other hazards, we may temporarily pause or modify play activities until it is safe to continue. Our playworkers and staff will be on-site to provide guidance, support, and ensure the well-being of all participants.

    Rescheduling or Cancellation

    In rare cases where extreme weather conditions pose significant safety risks, we may need to reschedule or cancel the popup adventure playground event. We understand the disappointment this may cause, but the safety and well-being of all participants are paramount in such circumstances. We will communicate any changes or cancellations as early as possible through our communication channels.

    Staying Connected

    It's important to stay connected and informed about any updates or changes related to weather conditions and the pop-up adventure playground. We recommend checking our website, following us on social media (Facebook and Instagram @rootedinplayorg), and ensuring you are subscribed to our email updates. These channels will provide you with the latest information, including any weather-related updates.

    While we do our best to accommodate various weather conditions, please remember that outdoor play experiences, even in light rain, can offer unique opportunities for children to explore and connect with nature. We encourage you to dress your child in weather-appropriate clothing, including raincoats and boots, so they can fully embrace the adventure of play even in wet conditions.

    If you have any concerns or questions regarding weather-related arrangements for our popup adventure playgrounds, please reach out to us at [contact email]. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to creating memorable play experiences for your child.

  • The cost to attend a popup adventure playground hosted by Rooted in Play is free for all participants. We believe in the importance of providing open-ended play opportunities to as many children as possible, regardless of their financial circumstances. Our goal is to create inclusive and accessible play environments that spark joy, foster creativity, and promote holistic child development.

    While our pop-up adventure playgrounds are free, we do accept donations from generous individuals and organizations who wish to support our mission. These donations play a vital role in sustaining and expanding our programs, ensuring that we can continue offering popup adventure playgrounds free of charge to the community.

    By donating to Rooted in Play, you contribute to the availability of these valuable play experiences, enabling us to secure essential resources, maintain play equipment, cover operational costs, and reach even more children in need. We deeply appreciate any contribution, no matter the amount, as it directly impacts our ability to keep popup adventure playgrounds accessible to all.

    To make a donation or learn more about supporting Rooted in Play, please visit our Donation page. Every contribution goes a long way in creating meaningful play opportunities and making a positive difference in the lives of children.

    We remain committed to ensuring that play remains accessible and enjoyable for every child in our community. Your support allows us to continue providing popup adventure playgrounds free of charge, nurturing a love for open-ended play and fostering the well-being and development of children.

  • There are several ways you can get involved and support Rooted in Play in our mission to provide open-ended play opportunities for children. Here are three impactful ways to contribute:

    Make Donations

    Your financial support plays a crucial role in sustaining and expanding our programs. You can make a direct monetary donation here. Additionally, we also welcome donations of loose parts and reusable materials that can be used in our popup adventure playgrounds. Got junk? Learn more about donating materials here.


    We greatly appreciate volunteers who generously give their time and energy to help create magical play experiences for children. Whether you have a passion for play, event coordination, or community outreach, there are various volunteer opportunities available. Learn more about volunteering and how to get started here.

    Sponsor a Popup

    By sponsoring a popup adventure playground, you directly contribute to providing free play opportunities for the community. Our popup events rely on the support of sponsors to cover costs and ensure accessibility to all. If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor and make a lasting impact on children's lives, please visit our Sponsors page for more information.

    To explore these opportunities in more detail and find the right fit for your involvement, find more information here. You will find comprehensive information on how to make donations, volunteer your time and skills, and become a popup sponsor.

    Your support and engagement enable us to continue creating meaningful play experiences, fostering the growth and well-being of children in our community. We are grateful for your commitment to open-ended play and the positive impact it has on children's lives.

  • Yes! Rooted in Play is delighted to host birthday parties and private events that promote the spirit of open-ended play and adventure. We offer a unique and memorable experience for children and families to celebrate special occasions in a playful and engaging environment.

    To learn more about our birthday party and private event offerings, including available packages, pricing, and customization options, please visit our [Party and Private Events](/parties-and-events) page. There, you will find detailed information and instructions on how to book and plan your event with us.

    Whether it's a birthday celebration, a family gathering, or a community event, Rooted in Play creates an atmosphere where children can immerse themselves in the joy of open-ended play, exploration, and imaginative experiences. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every event is tailored to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

    If you have any specific questions or would like further assistance in planning your event, please don't hesitate to contact our events team at [contact email]. We're excited to work with you and help create a truly memorable and fun-filled celebration!